My first time BDSM?! Of chains and swings..
Today I will be kidnapped! But not in the way you're probably thinking now.. As you know, I've never really been tied up or been able to keep my mouth shut, apparently that's going to change today. I'm going to a kinky event for the first time to see what it's like. My best friend recommended it to me, she often goes there with her boyfriend and today they both accompany me so I'm not completely alone.. well, hallelujah! 😀 I have to admit, I'm super excited! I don't know what awaits me here and, above all, who… As soon as I arrive, I look at all the rooms. Everything is full of different devices, restraints, toys, whips etc. WOW! I'm really overwhelmed.. A few men have already set their sights on me.. I really like one too, hihi. He's coming at me! uiuiui… he asked me if I would like to "test" a few devices with him.. I reflexively gave a loud YES, that went quickly 😀 He takes my hand, my heart is racing and he ties me to the first device.